springtime...flower mania!

WOOOHOOOO! Ok, I freely admit it, I am a flower fanatic! I would have bouquets in every room if I could, the color, the fragrance, YUM!  I just got the most amazing handmade flowers from a recently discovered shop, Wild Orchid Crafts. They make truly lovely things. And some of them are on my new album!

 Most of the flowers on the front are from Wild Orchid, only the daisies are not. ;o)
The papers are Springtime, by Echo Park. The amazing butterfly was made by
Kaylori77 on Etsy...
aren't the colors luscious?

There are loads of different roses available, can't wait till they add orchids and lilies! This album turned out just beautifully, I love the papers from Echo Park, Springtime is really pretty, bright pastels, lovely shades to work with. It was really nice to do a project with everything so easily and prettily coordinated. Great job, Echo Park!
God Bless You~
